Is It OK for Dogs to Eat Lychees? What Experts Says?

Is It OK for Dogs to Eat Lychee? Can Dogs Eat Lychees: As the year’s hottest season approaches, tropical fruits such as lychee become more abundant. And if you’ve enjoyed these sweet fruits at home, you may have wondered if you can share them with your dog. But are lychees safe foods for your dog? We tell you what the Dog experts say. 

Can Dogs Eat Lychees

Lychees for Dogs

Dogs don’t need to eat fruits and vegetables to stay healthy; they get all the nutrients they need from pet food. However, some of these foods, and we mean non-toxic ones, can serve as healthy treats for your four-legged friend. Well, these animals usually enjoy the texture or taste of some fruits and vegetables. 

As the year’s hottest season approaches, tropical fruits such as lychee become more abundant. And if you’ve enjoyed these sweet fruits at home, you may have wondered if you can share them with your dog. But are lychees among the safe foods for your pet? We tell you what the Dog Desires experts say. 

Dogs don’t need to eat fruits and vegetables to stay healthy; they get all the nutrients they need from pet food. However, some of these foods, and we mean non-toxic ones, can serve as healthy treats for your four-legged friend. Well, these animals usually enjoy the texture or taste of some fruits and vegetables. 

Can Dogs Eat Lychees? Is It OK for Dogs to Eat Lychees?

Is It OK for Dogs to Eat Lychees
The Answer
According to experts, your dog can eat lychees. They can eat the pulp of the fruit, as long as it is well ripe, but in moderation and from time to time. Because in addition to the fact that it is a fruit that contains a lot of sugar, the amount of lychee that dogs can tolerate has yet to be discovered for sure.

In addition to the fact that the exact amount of lychees that can cause negative reactions in these animals is not known, it is important to remember that all candies can be bad in excess. These should be at most 10% of a dog’s total calories daily. Otherwise, they could become overweight and even obese. 

Risks of Giving Lychees to a Dog

Your four-legged friend should not consume the lychee seeds under any circumstances; they can only eat the pulp. Lychee seeds are poisonous to dogs and are also small and oval in shape, so they can cause choking if a dog accidentally consumes them. And if you are wondering if lychee seeds are also poisonous to people, they are. 


You also need to remove the skin from the fruit completely before offering it to your dog. The shell is inedible, plus it may be covered in tiny spines. If your pet consumes it, it doesn’t even serve as a source of fiber but can cause intestinal obstruction and severe cramps.


If you suspect your dog may have ingested lychee seeds or any amount of the rind, consult your vet immediately. He may need treatment to evacuate them.