Does Sugar Make Dogs Go Blind? Is It True?

Does Sugar Make Dogs Go Blind: As explained by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), there are a large number of myths about dog food, and one of the most widespread is that eating sweets causes blindness. But is this really so?

Is It True That Eating Sweets Causes Blindness in Dogs?

The first thing to keep in mind is that human food is not bad for dogs, as long as there is a balance. Their diet should be based on the protein of animal origin, although they can also eat other foods. The BARF diet is made up of 60% bones with meat and muscle, 25% lean meat, and 15% raw vegetables, organ meats, and eggs.

Eating Sweets Causes Blindness in Dogs

What place does human food have here? Dogs can be given a small amount, not more than 5% of the daily ratio. Of course, you have to avoid those foods that can cause damage to your health, such as chocolate, onion, avocado or grapes and raisins.

Can Dogs Eat Sweets?

Does Sugar Make Dogs Go Blind
The fact that dogs can go blind from eating sweets is a false myth. It is an urban legend that has nothing to do with reality.

If a dog is diabetic, if he ingests an excessive amount of sugar, his blood glucose level will increase, increasing the risk of developing cataracts, leading to vision loss.

Can Sugar Make Your Dog Blind?

Does Sugar Make Dogs Go Blind

However, in healthy dogs, sugar never has this effect. Even so, it is essential to limit the intake of sweets because sugars can alter the intestinal flora, cause the appearance of diarrhea and promote obesity.

Are Snacks a Good Habit?

Positive reinforcement is the best way to train dogs. It consists of rewarding them when they do something right instead of punishing them when they do something wrong. But what is the best way to reward them? The vast majority of owners choose to give their pets a snack, but you must avoid abusing them.

Does Sugar Make Dogs Go Blind

The snack must be suitable for the size of the dog. As is logical, you have to check the list of ingredients since there are better snacks than others. Some have excessive fat; others are made with not recommended ingredients, such as smoked.

Veterinarians recommend that, when giving dogs a snack, the proportional amount of feed is removed to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Can Dogs Go Blind From Chocolate?

Can Dogs Go Blind From Chocolate

Something different is happening with sugar, but it’s no less worrisome. Sugar, unlike chocolate, is not toxic to dogs, and if it is used infrequently and in very small doses, nothing will happen. The problem arises when we overuse and give them a lot of sugar.

In the case when the animal has eaten a lot of dark chocolate, for example, a whole bar or a box of chocolates, it is better to go to the veterinary clinic immediately. Especially if it is a puppy or a representative of a small breed, your pet may need a gastric lavage.

The sugar makes them very fatty, and it is not very difficult for a dog to put on weight quickly when ingesting large amounts, with the negative effects that obesity can lead to, such as lack of energy or diabetes.

  • In addition, it is detrimental to their teeth, the same as ours, but the difference is that they are not cleaned every day. As a result, cavities can develop, weakening the teeth to the point where veterinary intervention is required.
  • It’s not recommended to give sugar to dogs under any circumstances because while it’s not toxic like chocolate, it will only have negative effects on their health and money in veterinary clinics that you could save.

Just don’t give him that piece of cake, oh which your dog asked you with the cutest face in the world. Don’t forget that sugar is also bad for us. However, your body is much more sensitive than ours, so less is enough to cause serious consequences for the pancreas.

How Much Chocolate is Toxic to Dogs?

Chocolate is toxic to dogs, and the amount that can cause toxicity depends on the size of the dog and the type of chocolate ingested. Generally, a small amount of chocolate (1-2 ounces) may only cause digestive distress in a small dog, while larger amounts (over 6 ounces) could result in toxicity. Darker chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate because it has a higher concentration of theobromine. In extreme cases, even small amounts can be fatal for certain dogs. So please refrain from giving your pup any chocolate, as it can have serious consequences. See bellow table for a better knowledge

Type of ChocolateAmount Toxic for 10-Pound DogAmount Toxic for 20-Pound Dog
Baking Chocolate0.5 ounces1 ounce
Dark Chocolate1.5 ounces3 ounces
Milk Chocolate or Semi-sweet3.5 ounces7 ounces
White ChocolateNot toxicNot toxic

The PetMD website has a chocolate toxicity calculator that you can also use.

How Fast Can Dogs Go Blind From Diabetes?

How many times have you heard that sugar blinds dogs? However, this is not entirely true for completely healthy dogs. However, if your dog has diabetes and you feed him sugar, your eyesight will eventually be affected.

Dogs that have diabetes and consume sugar are at higher risk. Your eyes will become white due to cataracts, and they will significantly lose their sight, even to the point of being blind in the worst case. So the combination of diabetes and sugar in dogs is more than awful.

It’s better to do everything possible to ensure that our furry animals are as healthy as possible throughout their lives, right?

What Happens if a Dog Eats Sugar?

In the case when the pet ate some sweets, nothing needs to be done. It is necessary to ensure that access to confectionery and flour products is not available to prevent a recurrence of the situation.

If the resulting reaction of the body does not go away for several weeks, you should contact your veterinarian. After consuming large amounts of sugars, there is a possibility of developing bacterial otitis or fungal skin lesions, which require professional treatment.

Will My Dog Survive Eating Chocolate or Sugar?

Unfortunately, chocolate is highly toxic to dogs. Eating chocolate can lead to symptoms ranging from severe vomiting and diarrhea to seizures, heart problems, and even death in some cases. If your dog has eaten chocolate, it’s important to immediately take them for emergency medical care. While some dogs may survive eating small amounts of chocolate without serious health problems, it’s best to avoid caution and seek veterinary assistance immediately.

What Should I Do if My Dog Ate Chocolate?

If your dog eats chocolate, it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible or call the Pet Poison Helpline (855-213-6680) for advice.. Chocolate contains theobromine, which can be toxic to dogs if consumed in large enough quantities. Since the amount of theobromine depends on the type and amount of chocolate, it is extremely important that you get your dog to a vet for an examination.

In the meantime, you can watch for signs of toxicity, such as vomiting and diarrhea, increased heart rate, or seizures. Try to limit their movement and avoid giving them any other food or treats until after a vet sees them.

What if My Dog Ate Chocolate 10-12 Hours Ago?

If your dog ate chocolate 12 hours ago, monitoring them for any signs of poisoning is important. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs can include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst or urination, increased heart rate, muscle tremors, and seizures. You should seek immediate veterinary attention if you notice any of these signs. Additionally, it’s also a good idea to feed your dog small meals throughout the day and provide plenty of fresh water as this can help support their digestion.

According to the AKC website, it can take 6 to 12 hours for your dog to show any chocolate poisoning symptoms, which can last up to 72 hours. Do not wait to see symptoms if your dog has eaten chocolate. It’s best to treat your dog before he shows signs of feeling sick.


By way of conclusion, we want to emphasize the idea that eating sweets do not cause blindness in dogs that are not diabetic.