How to Feed a Newborn Puppy Dog at Home – (5 Tips)

Learn how to feed a newborn puppy: how much formula should a newborn puppy eat. newborn puppy feeding chart. Finally came the day! The puppy comes home. Everything is games and affection until one of the main doubts comes up: what does a puppy eat? Having these doubts is completely normal, that’s why you have to take note of the following tips so that your pet is properly fed from birth.

How to Feed a Newborn Puppy?

The feeding of a newborn dog puppy varies as the months go by. Still, always a diet that provides the animal with all the nutrients necessary for its later development towards the adult is taken care of.

How to Feed a Newborn Puppy

1. Breast Milk for Newborn Puppy

From birth until the first month or so, the ideal is for the newborn to feed on breast milk. This is the so-called infant phase. Besides, drinking milk from its mother will help in the future in matters of health and social relations, since the first social bond of a newborn dog is established with its mother.

Thus, it is best to wait until the dog has completed this breastfeeding phase before taking it home. However, if the newborn dog is an orphan or it is simply impossible for the mother to breastfeed it, it will be necessary to give it milk with the bottle until it is at least one month old.

The type of milk we humans consume is not valid for a puppy, nor is any type of bottle correct. Both must be specific for dog puppies. Luckily, both are easy to find at vet clinics or specialty stores. At the time of giving the bottle, the time that has to elapse between taking and taking will be about four or five hours.

It is very important to monitor the puppy’s digestion. In this way, it is necessary to confirm that after having taken milk, the puppy will relieve himself in the case of diarrhea or constipation of the dog. We must consult with the vet to tell us what is happening.

2. The Change to Croquettes

When the dog reaches its first month of life, its teeth begin to grow. It is the perfect time to make the transition from liquid to solid feed. A good idea to make this step easier for the puppy is to approach the new food with your hand, let the little one come up and smell it and finally eat it. Another idea to make the new food more attractive to puppies is to moisten the feed with milk, so that chewing does not become cumbersome for the dog.

In this sense, it should be noted that veterinarians and experts remember that it is preferable to use quality brand dog food, as they contribute to better mental and physical development for the dog. When the dog takes the feed, you have to congratulate him or show him that he is doing the right thing. Other measures to improve the behavior of a puppy when he eats is to approach him and pet him and accustom him to times that generally should not coincide with human food, but afterward.

3. False Myths About Dog Food

About the feeding of dogs in general, and of puppies in particular, there are many myths and false beliefs. For example, the dog gets bored with always taking the same thing. Many experts consider that this is not the case, since “the dog hardly tastes food, he does not enjoy it, he gulps it down, simply guided by the smell,” as indicated by Sonia Ferrer, a dog educator. Thus, we must defend the consumption of feed or kibbles over leftovers or, what is even worse, foods cooked exclusively for the puppy.

In the popular imagination, the idea of the dog with the bone is always present. It is really necessary to avoid that the dogs eat bones since, although it is true that they like them, they can cause choking problems if a small piece of a bone moves inside the dog. You have to be very cautious in this regard to avoid scares with your pet.

4. Forbidden Food

Also, there are a number of food products highly recommended for humans but not at all for dogs, especially when they are small.

  • The high sugar content of knickknacks can promote the onset of diabetes in dogs, the most visible sign of which is the total blindness of the dog.
  • The composition of cocoa (chocolate) includes an enzyme that is impossible to digest by the canine stomach, so practically, the chocolate becomes a poison for the dog, even causing death.
  • Grapes, raisins, walnuts, and avocados also feel bad in the dog’s digestive system due to its composition, harmless to humans, but very harmful to a puppy.

In this case, the simplicity of feeding with feed is the healthiest thing for a puppy, and there is no need to over-complicate when feeding your pet. The most important thing is that your puppy is properly fed and does not lack the most necessary nutrients.

5. Feeding a Newborn Puppy at Home

When a litter is received at home, it must be taken into account that in some cases, mothers will not breastfeed their young, for different reasons; therefore, it is worth knowing some tips to avoid problems in puppies.

Receiving a litter of puppies does not have to be a complicated task. Still, it does require certain precautions, especially in feeding, since, in some cases, the mother will not provide the necessary food.

When this happens, products can be used to feed the new puppies. One of the main mistakes is giving them cow’s milk, since it is not suitable for small dogs, because it has too much lactose and does not have the nutrients of breast milk.

The veterinary doctor should be consulted about powdered milk, especially for dogs. These are the best options since it details the exact doses and amounts to use.

If this type of milk is not found, you can make a mixture of cow’s milk, egg yolks, cream, and honey, to achieve a fortified food.

To give the milk to the puppy, it is necessary to use a special bottle.

Appropriate to the size of the newborn; These are sold at any pet store. Using a syringe or droppers can also work. The ideal temperature of the milk should be around 38° C.

When the dogs are newborns, they usually eat more than three times a day, so it will require an effort from the masters to feed them, this involves getting up at night, mornings, and hanging out in the afternoons.


In the first five days of life, they feed eight times a day, every three hours. At 15 days, they eat six times a day, every four hours. After two weeks, they are fed four times a day, every six hours.