7 Independent Dogs That Can Be Left Alone – [for 8-12 hours]

We will discover some dogs that can be left alone: For many dog owners, the challenge of leaving their furry friends alone can be a source of anxiety. However, not all dogs require constant attention and companionship. Some breeds are known for their independence and adaptability to alone time.

Independent Dogs That Can Be Left Alone


  • Consider independent breeds like Basset Hounds, Chow Chows, and Greyhounds if you need a dog that can handle being alone.
  • Ensure your dog has a cozy space with toys, water, and a comfortable bed for a contented alone time.
  • Independent breeds need regular exercise and mental stimulation for a happy and healthy life.
  • Remember that each dog is unique; observe and cater to your pet’s needs and personality.
  • Proper training and socialization are crucial for fostering a positive and independent relationship with your furry companion.

Can you have a dog if you work 9-5?

Yes, you can have a dog if you work 9 to 5. Most adult dogs can handle being alone for six to eight hours, though puppies and senior dogs may need more attention. Choosing a dog with lower exercise needs can be a good fit for working individuals.

7 Independent Dogs That Can Be Left Alone

Here, we will explore seven dog breeds that are well-suited to being left alone, making them ideal companions for individuals with busy lifestyles.

1. Basset Hound

Basset Hound
Basset Hound
  • Size: Medium to large
  • Temperament: Laid-back, calm
  • Energy Level: Low
  • Maintenance: Moderate grooming due to long ears

Known for their laid-back attitude and calm demeanor, Basset Hounds are generally content to relax independently. With their low energy levels, they don’t demand constant stimulation and can handle being alone for moderate periods. Their easygoing nature makes them a great choice for those who work outside the home.

2. Chow Chow

Chow Chow
Chow Chow
  • Size: Medium to large
  • Temperament: Independent, aloof
  • Energy Level: Moderate
  • Maintenance: Regular grooming, especially the thick coat

Chow Chows are known among independent dog breeds that can be left alone and aloof personality. While they can be loyal to their owners, they also appreciate having their space. These medium to large-sized dogs are generally low-maintenance and can tolerate being alone as long as they have access to water, toys, and a comfortable environment.

3. Greyhound

  • Size: Large
  • Temperament: Laid-back, gentle
  • Energy Level: Moderate to low
  • Maintenance: Low grooming needs

Despite their reputation as racing dogs, Greyhounds can be left alone for 8 hours, 10 hours or 12 hours and surprisingly laid-back and adaptable to a more relaxed lifestyle. These elegant and gentle dogs are known for their independence, making them suitable for owners who may need to leave them alone for extended periods. Providing them with a comfortable space and toys can help keep them entertained.

4. Basenji

  • Size: Small to medium
  • Temperament: Independent, quiet
  • Energy Level: Moderate
  • Maintenance: Low grooming, clean dogs

Basenjis are a unique and independent breed that originates from Africa. Often referred to as the “barkless dog,” they are known for their quiet nature and self-sufficiency. Basenjis are generally clean and groom themselves, making them low-maintenance pets that can handle alone time well.

5. Shar-Pei

  • Size: Medium to large
  • Temperament: Independent, loyal
  • Energy Level: Moderate
  • Maintenance: Moderate grooming due to wrinkles

With their distinctive wrinkled appearance, Shar-Peis are known for their dogs that can be left alone and don’t bark and loyalty. These dogs are generally comfortable spending time alone, and their calm demeanor makes them less prone to separation anxiety. Regular exercise and mental stimulation are still essential for a happy Shar-Pei.

6. French Bulldog

French Bulldog
French Bulldog
  • Size: Small
  • Temperament: Affectionate, easygoing
  • Energy Level: Low to moderate
  • Maintenance: Low grooming needs

French Bulldogs are small quiet dogs that can be left alone but big in personality. Known for their affectionate and easygoing nature, they are also quite adaptable to being left alone. While they do enjoy human companionship, they can handle short periods of solitude, especially if they have toys and a cozy spot to relax.

7. Cats! Just kidding – Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu
  • Size: Small to medium
  • Temperament: Strong-willed, self-sufficient
  • Energy Level: Moderate
  • Maintenance: Moderate grooming, clean dogs

While not a cat, the Shiba Inu shares some feline characteristics, including small dogs that don’t shed and can be left alone. Originating from Japan, Shiba Inus are known for their strong-willed and self-sufficient nature. They are generally okay with spending time alone, although regular exercise and mental stimulation are crucial for their well-being.

What dog can be left alone the longest?

Greyhounds are known to be one of the dog breeds that can be left alone for longer periods due to their calm and adaptable nature.

Which dog can be left alone all day?

The Basset Hound and Chow Chow are breeds known for their independence and ability to be left alone for extended periods, making them suitable for individuals with busy schedules.

What dogs that can be left alone and don’t bark?

Basset Hounds, Chow Chows, and Basenjis are ideal for those seeking dogs that can be left alone without excessive barking, thanks to their calm and independent nature.

What small quiet dogs that can be left alone?

Small, quiet breeds like French Bulldogs and Shiba Inus are generally independent and can adapt well to being left alone for short periods.

What guard dogs that can be left alone?

Certain guard dog breeds, such as the Bullmastiff and Rhodesian Ridgeback, are known for their independence and can handle being left alone, making them suitable choices for individuals with busy lifestyles.

What outdoor dogs that can be left alone?

Outdoor dogs that can be left alone include breeds like the Basset Hound, Chow Chow, and Greyhound, known for their independent and low-maintenance nature, making them suitable for individuals with busy lifestyles.

What dog breeds that can be left alone for 8 hours?

Basset Hounds, Chow Chows, Greyhounds, Basenjis, Shar-Peis, French Bulldogs, and Shiba Inus are breeds known for their independence and ability to handle being left alone for around 8 hours.

What dog breeds that can be left alone for 10 hours?

Certain dog breeds known for their independence, such as Basset Hounds, Chow Chows, and Greyhounds, can generally handle being left alone for up to 10 hours when provided with a comfortable environment and necessary amenities.

What dog breeds that can be left alone for 12 hours?

While no dog should be left alone for 12 hours regularly, breeds known for independence like Basset Hounds, Chow Chows, Greyhounds, Basenjis, Shar-Peis, French Bulldogs, and Shiba Inus may tolerate longer periods with proper care, including sufficient exercise, mental stimulation, and a comfortable environment.


Finding a dog that can be left alone without experiencing distress is crucial for individuals with busy schedules. While these seven breeds are known for their independence, it’s important to note that individual dogs may vary.

Regardless of the breed, providing proper training, socialization, and a stimulating environment will contribute to a happy and well-adjusted canine companion. Always consider your dog’s unique personality and needs to ensure a harmonious relationship between you and your furry friend.