What Do Lizards Eat? (Babies and Adults)

lizards eat

What Do Lizards Eat: Lizards are scaly reptiles that comprise a wide variety of species ranging from very small to medium sizes; lizards inhabit a large number of ecosystems in temperate as well as tropical climates in all parts of the world. These small reptiles are usually easy to find in weedy spaces with sufficient … Read more

Colored Chicks: A Cruel Practice

chicks colored

What are Colored Chicks: Painted chicks are also known as colored chicks, and the offspring are usually painted, especially chickens, although they can also be other birds. These chicks are artificially painted with products that are sometimes toxic. These chicks are often sold as toys or pets. They paint the chicks and sell them. Colored Chicks … Read more

Worst Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Breeds That Should Not Live inApartment

Dog breeds that should not live in an apartment: Many people think that a dog is the best option—loyal, affectionate, protective, playful when it comes to having a pet. Worst Dog Breeds for Apartment Living However, we are not always aware that not all are the same and that a series of conditions must be taken … Read more

Categories Dog

Strabismus in Dogs


Strabismus in Dogs: When we adopt a dog, we make it one of our family, that’s why we have to take proper care of them and give them all the love we have. At the end of the day, these animals depend entirely on us to live, so if we notice that something happens to … Read more

Categories Dog

How to Become a Therapy Dog Trainer

How to trainer

How to Become a Therapy Dog Trainer: Though it is gratifying to become a therapy dog trainer, it requires many skills, patience, and works. First, the trainers need to love the animal and be affectionate towards their dogs. Showing affection is the beginning of training the therapy dog. The next step that a trainer needs … Read more

Categories Dog

How to Train a Therapy Dog

therapy dog train

How to Train a Therapy Dog: how much does it cost to train a therapy dog. Before training a therapy dog, we must make a good choice. They must be reliable, balanced, have predictable behavior, are controllable (with good Obedience), are suitable for a given task, and have the ability to inspire confidence. How to … Read more

Categories Dog

Can Therapy Dogs Go to School or College?


Can Therapy Dogs Go to School or College: In the wake of the Florida school shootings, therapy dogs have been used as a way to provide comfort and support to students returning to school. Research has shown that therapy dogs can reduce stress and provide a sense of connection in difficult situations. Can Therapy Dogs … Read more

Categories Dog

Outstanding Benefits of Therapy Dogs

therapy dogs today main

Outstanding Benefits of Therapy Dogs: Therapy dogs help improve your mental health by providing emotional support. By training these dogs, you can support yourself and others. Mostly, therapy dogs live in the owner’s home, but they visit various places such as nursing homes, hospitals, schools, colleges, hospice homes, and more. They are friendly, gentle and … Read more

Categories Dog

Most Effective Home Remedies for Dogs Bad Breath


The best home remedies for dogs bad breath:” You come home from work. As soon as you open the door, your dog jumps on you and…! Greets you with licks !. However, your face of joy can be transformed into one of displeasure instantly. The reason? The bad smell from his mouth. To avoid this … Read more

Categories Dog